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FTA has extensive training and credentials 

As a community trail organization, FTA promotes specialized training for its membership.  Understanding trail design and the considerations of landmanagers helps create effective relationships.  Here are some projects we have engaged in that have reflected this commitment to sustainable flowy trail.

Early members begin collaboration with USFS in Downieville

The historic mining trail, Chimney Rock Trail is adopted and opened for bikes.  This creates the first bike loop and race course for early biking in Downieville.  4 miles



Historic Trails in Forest City found and work begins

The historic ditch trail that connected Forest to Plum Valley is flagged and clearing begins on this 7 mile contouring trail.


Zachi is hired to design and build a trail system for the Encompass Organization in North San Jaun.   2 miles


Work is started on the 12 mile Truckee Ditch Trail.  Volunteers work on eastern portion up to Yomana Mtn.

Around 4 miles.


More historic alignments identified and work is started on the Sandusky Trail.  2 miles


The 45ft long stone arched bridge is proposed for the Sandusky Trail and permission is given for us to use heavy equipment.


The Sandusky Trail East is started.  Exciting new alignment to connect to Pliocene Ridge Rd.  4 miles.


Work started with BYLT on two major bridges in Grass Valley for the Loma Rica Trail.


Alignment and construction of Ridge Runner in Forest City, 4 miles.


Alignment and construction of High Grade in Forest City, 4 miles.

Contract to build Pioneer Trail segment with 7 stone walled switchbacks.



Alignment and construction of Loma Rica Trail in Grass Valley.  Used for the Nor Cal State Championships.

FTA given local hero award.

FTA members accepted into week long federal trail training course and are certified.




Begin alignment research on Scotts Flat Trail

Purchase 1st skid steer and shape blade

Start work on TDT improvement project, FC Ca

Begin assesment work on Tribute Trails Project.

Start construction of STP Trails in Forest City, 7 miles

Continue work at Montana De Oro State Park, BeeBee Trail 3 miles

Purchase Yomana House in FC as education center and base camp

Purchase Compactor

Complete 180 bridge, Mascaz Trail

Complete Bow Tie Bridge, Mascaz Trail


Start Oaks Peak Trail for Montana De Oro State Park

Begin Culvert Trail, Auburn Ca

Start work on MASCAZ Trail, Private, GV Ca

Purchase second skid steer, SK650

Complete Freedman Trail, Private, GV Ca

Build Napa County 'Connector Trail', 1m

Build Segment of Hidden Falls Trail, Placer County Parks, Auburn Ca

Complete Culvert Trail, Auburn State Parks, Auburn, Ca

Continue work on STP Trails, Forest City Ca

Final review of Mexican Mine Trail prior to NEPA

Complete Scotts Flat Trail

Pruchase material hauler, SC75

Complete 3 bridges project, Tribuete Trails, NC, Ca

Complete Spiral Feature, Mascaz Trail

Start Suspension Bridge Project, Tribute Trails, NC Ca

Build Willow Creek Trail Head, Los Padres National Forest, USFS

Start Montezuma Private Project

Awarded Velencia Vista Trail Contract, Napa County

Sign new 2 year contract with NID






Prepare new segment of Mexican Mine Tr for final NEPA

Build Napa County Venlencia Vista Trail

Complete Tribute Trails Suspension Bridge Project

Montezuma Trail Project

FTA's new Yomana House Members Retreat Restoration




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